What did you do before joining Jim’s Mowing?
I worked in retail for a number of years and studied Engineering at university. I wasn’t very motivated by Uni and quit before finishing. I then worked as a table games dealer at the Adelaide Casino for 4 years.
What frustrated you about your previous employment?
Working both day and night shifts and the work environment was hard on me mentally. I found that I couldn’t earn anything above my hourly rate no matter how hard I worked and getting promoted was based on who you were friends with more than previous management experience or skills. I couldn’t choose when I worked or who I worked with.
What were you looking for in an opportunity?
Flexibility in when and how hard I worked, with the chance to generate passive income. Minimal risk. Preferably no boss, and as few restrictions as possible, yet support when needed.
Why did you end up choosing Jim’s over other things you were considering?
I wanted to work in a trade based industry, but couldn’t afford to go back to an apprentice wage as I had a mortgage. I also wanted to be the boss as soon as possible. A franchise seemed a good way to go due to the higher success rate over new businesses, but retail based franchises were expensive and didn’t have the flexibility I was after. I enjoyed redoing the garden at my house and loved mowing lawns at the parent’s house as a kid. I didn’t expect to make a huge amount of money mowing lawns, but figured I could work out how to make it successful enough to live comfortably.
What do you like best about Jim’s Mowing?
Not having a boss! Being able to employ workers and earn passive income. Being in complete control of when and where I work. Knowing that I can retire early and still earn a regular income. The value of my business grows as I add new customers, which enables me to split my business and receive large sums of money for doing very little.
What do you find challenging about being in Jim’s mowing?
Coming up with better ways of doing things. Figuring out whether to split my round or put another trailer on the road, whether to invest in lager equipment or reduce debt, whether to travel further to get extra work or compact my round to reduce expenses. I actually find it more fun than challenging. When I try something and it works, I know I’ve made everything that bit easier and/or more $$.
Details of the money you now make in comparison to your previous employment?
I made about $45k per year at the casino working 38 hours a week, as a casual, mostly late nights over the weekend. My first year in Jim’s I turned over $90k before expenses. In the last 12 months I’ve turned over $205k and only work around 20 hours/week including bookwork, paid out $60k in wages and $40k on regular expenses (Also spent $26k on a ride-on mower and big tipper-trailer). I have 2 trailers on the road with 4 casual employees sharing the work. I’ve also split my round 5 times in 5 years for a total of $90k extra income.
What can you say about your lifestyle in comparison to your old one?
At age 29 (before Jim’s) I was stressed, always tired, working very hard and didn’t see a bright future. Now at age 34 I don’t really have to go to work at all if I don’t want to. If I want I can work my butt off and generate some serious money, but I generally let my employees do most of the work. I choose to enjoy working less and spend more time with girlfriend, family, travelling and renovating my house. I never miss a rock concert or birthday party, and there’s never a moment at work when I wish I was at home.
I was working around 50 hours a week and earning 50K a year. In Jim’s I work around 30¬38 hours a week and would earn around 150K a year. ..we plan to pay off our mortgage and make a big dent in the 2 rentals properties we have been able to buy (even buy another).
Lifestyle, lifestyle, lifestyle. No weekends, no shift work, no stress, fewer deadlines…. and no politics. And my wife can do what she wants to do and concentrate on being a mother and raising our two boys, keeping our home and supporting me and the business.
I actually find it more fun than challenging. When I try something and it works, I know I've made everything that bit easier and/or more $$. I've also split my round 5 times in 5 years for a total of $90k extra income. I never miss a rock concert or birthday party, and there's never a moment at work when I wish I was at home.
Since I bought my Mowing round, I have lost count of the number of times I have been told by family and friends how happy and relaxed I look. I knew I wasn't happy where my work life was heading beforehand, but I never realised how visible it was also to everyone else. The support we got from Gerry, Shane & Rets our Franchisors was vitally important to a smooth transition and has been on-going, only a phone call away or by email. We were impressed from the very first initial meeting.
The professionalism of the Jim's Group very much impressed us. People trust and respect the Jim's name, and that has helped us to grow our business very quickly. The help and support has been terrific!
Well after 2 months i grew from 80 to 105 odd clients, I did my first split after 8 months, I have landed a 1mth trial with a retirement home that I was doing some lawns for as the caretaker of all gardens which will let my wife leave her job.
Being my own boss is fantastic, I have more time with my family and set up my hours around our needs. The franchisors are only a phone call away, if I ever have any questions or need anything. I now make double the money in half the hours which means more time with my family.
Jim's offers me contact with everyday people and I can be of help and assistance to them, in a way, not dissimilar to my former job. I have some clients that I can choose to do those extra little things for, like my elderly clients, which makes me, and them feel good.
Jim's Mowing South Australia
203 South Road
Riddleyton 5008
1300 783 928