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 Jim’s Message

Want a beautifully manicured lawn, at a reasonable price… without having to suffer a single moment of sweat, bugs or time consuming hard work…
Tired of mowing guys who arrive late(or not at all)… and only do ‘half a job’ without any pride whatsoever?… Now you can have a perfectly neat, tidy lawn with clean, sharp edges.
If you want your lawn mowed TODAY… and mowed properly – edges and all – we promise to get the job done right.  So call now for your no obligation free quote.

131 546

If you prefer, your local Jim’s Garden Care Specialist can pop over and give you a…

Don’t even think about getting all dirty, sweaty and sunburned trying to do it yourself.  Forget stressful thoughts like…

“Do I have enough fuel?”… and…

“Will the mower start?”

Relax.  With a smile, we’ll roll up our sleeves and turn your yard into the envy of your neighbourhood.  And we guarantee to do a great job.  In fact…

We won’t ask for a cent until you are absolutely delighted – thrilled with the job we do…
just like all our terrific customers…

A Mower And A Straw Hat Is All It Takes – Or Does It?…
You may have had a bad experience with another mowing contractor – a ‘garden guy’ who turns up late (if he turns up at all) and only does half a job.
You may even feel frustrated – searching the internet again… trying to find a ‘mower man’ who does a good job… and… someone you can count on to continue to do a good job.
Finding a new mowing contractor is not only time consuming, it can be an expensive gamble.  And with ‘new guys’ popping up (and quitting) every week, it’s hard to know who to choose.

Try Us – Risk Free…
That’s why we refuse to take a cent of your money until you are absolutely delighted.  And when you experience our service I know you’ll agree our prices are very fair.  You see, we’re here for the long term.  We’ve operated successfully in Australia since 1982 (that’s 28 years).  We’re the largest mowing franchise in the world.  And we plan to be here to look after your lawn… for many, many years.

We Choose Carefully – So Should You…
Your local Jim’s Garden Care Specialist is no ordinary ‘mower man’ (or woman).  We spend a lot of time choosing the best franchisees.  And we’re strict — we only accept guys and girls who love mowing lawns.  In fact, our people tend to be a bit ‘geeky’ when it comes to garden care.  And that’s just how we like them.

Then We Train Them… Test Them… and Train Them Some More…
In the office and in the field, we teach them technical things about lawn and garden care and on top of that, we teach them about customer service and how to build a business with long-term thinking. Also things like…

  • How to assess the perfect height to set the mower
  • Why you should never cut more than one third the height of the grass at one time
  • Why you should keep your lawn at least 4cm in length
  • How to ensure the mower cuts cleanly every time
  • How to identify different types of lawns and what to do to make them flourish
  • How to get laser-beam-straight, sharp edges


Covered for the Unexpected…
And don’t worry, your local Jim’s Garden Care Specialist is covered by $10 million in public liability insurance.  That may not mean much to you now, but it will if an unavoidable stray rock smashes your window (or your neighbour’s window).  You can understand that things like this sometimes happen.  And when they do, there’ll be no argument over who pays.  It won’t be you.
You and your Jim’s Garden Care Specialist are also covered if someone gets hurt.  Alarmingly, a poor home owner was recently sued by his uninsured mowing contractor when he fell and hurt himself.  It cost the home owner dearly – financially and emotionally – as he fought a difficult court battle – all because his ‘gardening guy’ didn’t have proper insurance.  Worth taking seriously, isn’t it?

At Your Service for Other Things Too…
Of course, your local Jim’s Garden Care Specialist will do a terrific job of mowing your lawn and taking the clippings away for free.  But he’s great with other jobs too.  Things like…

  • Pruning your trees (important to promote proper growth… and vital before storm season)
  • Trimming your hedges (giving them back their grand manicured look)
  • Planting a new garden (perhaps even an edible garden so you can enjoy fresh fruit, veggies and herbs… or a beautiful flower garden so you can enjoy fresh-cut flowers on your table each day)
  • Mulching your garden beds (so your plants grow better with less water and less work)
  • Aerating and fertilizing your lawn (to make it lush and green — the envy of your neighbourhood)
  • Doing a general ‘clean up’ and taking away any rubbish (something we all need to do from time to time… and doesn’t it make you feel better!)
  • And even installing an entire water wise watering system to keep your lawn and garden looking its best


Free Lawn Health Check and Guaranteed Quote…
Want to know how to improve your lawn?  Ask for a Free Lawn Health Check when you call 131 546.  Your local Jim’s Garden Care Specialist will inspect your yard and give you expert tips to get it looking lush and green – absolutely free.  He’ll also give you a guaranteed accurate quote to do the work for you.
Want to have that feeling of pride when you come home to a lush green lawn with clean, sharp edges and a tidy garden?  Order a copy of our latest report… ‘7 Steps To A Magnificent Lawn and Garden’.  Simply enter your name and email and we’ll whisk it to your inbox in a flash.

Become a Happy Customer Today…
And if you’d like us to pop around and mow your lawn today, phone now on 131 546 — your local Jim’s Garden Care Specialist will look after you and your lawn – we guarantee it.


Shane Foran

Head Garden Care Specialist — SA

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    Our Services

    Lawn Care

    Mowing and Edging



    Garden Nutrition


    Creative Gardens


    Straight and Neat


    Ready for Spring

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