Looking for a way to be paid properly for your work and effort?...


… an opportunity that gives you flexible hours, massive earning potential and the chance to work on YOUR terms?

If You qualify… a Jim’s Mowing Franchise Offers You a…

Secure $100,000+ Income, from an Outdoor ‘Hobby’ You Love, Working Only When and Where You Choose, and with Full Support from the Largest, Most Respected Garden-Care Franchise in the World…

If you’re looking for more than just a career change – rather a whole lifestyle change – where you choose when and where you work… who you work with… and how many thousands of dollars you make each week… this will be the most interesting and important information you ever read.

You see, there’s a small band of super-successful business owners (over ++1500 in Aust.) all around Australia and the world, who secretly make as much as Doctors, Lawyers and top Executives. And they get paid to do exactly what they love – every day. In fact, many consider their business to be…

More Like a High-Paid Hobby Than a Job

But that wasn’t always the case. Before becoming a Jim’s Mowing Franchise Owner, many of them felt stuck in dead-end jobs, working for a boss who didn’t appreciate them -- their skills and their hard work. They were frustrated that somebody else controlled how much they earned. And they were sick of just scraping by each week.

They hated having to fight traffic and public transport each day, clock on and off when they were told to, and arrive home exhausted… and only barely in time to kiss their children good night.

Do you feel like that sometimes?

Do you want more? Are you ready for a change?

Would you like to enjoy the fitness and freedom of an outdoor lifestyle… have flexible hours that you choose… and earn as much money as you and your family want?

That’s what Tyson Sherrington does…

I am able to pick up the kids from school occasionally and spend more time with them. I actually see them in the mornings now instead of leaving for work in early darkness. With a recent new addition to the family, it was invaluable to be in control of the hours I was working, something I have never been able to do before.”

The money… the freedom… the potential. John Frost tells more…

Having my own business allows me to work when I want to and also allows me the opportunity to make decisions as I see fit. The opportunities to expand my business have been endless. I now employ 2 additional staff consisting of a full timer and an apprentice. The sky is the limit as to how much you want your business to grow.”

And Gary Rogers sums it up perfectly…

No more shifts, rosters, clocking in and out or finishing one job and going to another. Six years ago, I was concerned about where my life and my career were going. Today I am still with Jim’s Mowing, have a very successful franchise and haven’t looked back. I work when I want and where I want, earn as much as I want and I can fit my work into my lifestyle instead of structuring my life to suit work.”

No matter what your situation is right now… or how frustrated you feel with your current job or business… a Jim’s Mowing Franchise might be your opportunity to…

  • Make the money you want to make… and…
  • Have the lifestyle you’ve always dreamed of

That’s why we’ve put together a Free Report:


Get Your Free Copy And Discover How To Make A Six Figure Income As A Jim's Mowing Franchise Owner

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How To Make A Six Figure Income

As A Jim’s Mowing Franchise Owner’

Receiving this report is the first step in discovering if a Jim’s Franchise might be right for you.

But I must tell you, some of the things in this report may surprise you. It’s not all ‘roses’. It’s a straight-to-the-point, ‘real’ look inside a Jim’s Mowing Business. And after reading it, you may decide a Jim’s Franchise is not for you.

You see, owning a Jim’s Franchise is a privilege. And the current Jim’s Franchisees work hard to protect their investment. So they don’t just let anyone join. But if you do like what you see in the report… and you are prepared to work hard… and if you qualify… this just may be the start of something very exciting for you and your family.

When you receive your report you’ll discover…

  • The truth about what Jim’s Mowing Franchise Owners in SA are making. Exact figures including income and expenses.
  • Details about Jim’s powerful ‘Pay for Work Guarantee’ that ensures you a secure, profitable business and income of at least $1,500 per week -- from day one.
  • How to get direct access to Jim Penman – the founder and owner of Jim’s Mowing. Jim is a ‘real’ Australian. He still works in the business every day. He loves helping Franchisees and freely gives them his personal email and phone number with an invitation to contact him any time.
  • The Shane Foran story -- the man behind Jim’s Mowing SA and your support-to-success as a Jim’s Business Owner
  • Why Jim’s Franchisees easily make 30-40% more than other mowing contractors
  • Insider secrets to making more money and higher profits with less time travelling from job to job
  • A powerful strategy many successful Jim’s Franchisees use to get an instant cash windfall of $20,000 or more
  • A detailed list of all the business expenses you’re likely to incur in your first year so you get a ‘real’ idea of what owning a mowing business is all about. See how much you’ll spend on fuel, vehicle repairs and maintenance, equipment parts, phone bills, tip fees, uniforms, stationary, insurance and franchise fees
  • The incredible marketing system that gives Jim’s Franchisees more work than they can handle.
  • The two most common reasons why people buy a Jim’s Mowing Franchise. The many benefits you’ll enjoy as part of the largest Mowing Franchise in the world. Apart from the incredible support, the powerful marketing system and the instant credibility you’ll get from the Jim’s brand, you’ll save thousands each year as part of the Jim’s Buying Network – get deep discounts on things like equipment, uniforms, finance, insurance… and even phone plans
  • Proven equipment recommendations (mowing, edging and hedging) – brands, models and costs
  • How you can own an already-successful, profitable business immediately
  • How to be up-and-running and ready to make money from day one. A detailed package of everything you’ll need including trailer, mower, brushcutter, blower, hedge trimmer, safety sign, spray kit, first aid kit, OH&S kit, grass bags, insurance and business registration
  • The amazing Jim’s Computer System that lets you choose the times, days and areas you want to work
  • Jim’s training system that’s second-to-none and incorporates everything you need to know to run a successful business including lawn care, how to quote, business development, sales techniques, creating work, time management, physiology of grass types, small equipment maintenance, business planning, bookkeeping, insurance requirements and more
  • The unusual ‘peer’ support system that gives you practical, helpful advice from hundreds of experienced Jim’s business owners (just like you) from all over Australia
  • The Mentor System that gives you specific help to succeed
  • Opportunities to help other Jim’s Mowing Franchisees and advance your business interests as a future Group Franchisor
  • The potential to earn unlimited income, both in mowing and other service areas, as Jim’s brand continues to extend and is becoming a leader in other categories

This report will answer all your questions and give you a true idea of what owning a Jim’s business is really like. But what if you’re thinking…

Maybe I Could Do It By Myself As An Independent

You’re not alone. Many people who consider a Jim’s Mowing Franchise also ‘toy’ with the idea of starting up as an independent mowing contractor so they can save on franchise fees. But when they read the report, ‘How To Make A Six Figure Income As A Jim’s Mowing Franchise Owner’, they soon discover, as an independent you

  • Bear the cost and frustration of having to work out all the systems alone – including difficult things like legal requirements that could end up costing everything if you get it wrong
  • Have to operate without any brand identity and spend years building trust in the marketplace
  • Have limited earning potential without the expansion opportunities of the Jim’s Business Group
  • Scrounge for customers from day one without the support of Jim’s Marketing Systems supplying ready-to-buy leads every week
  • Rely on your own resources with no ‘Pay for Work Guarantee’ to see you through your start-up period
  • Risk everything as you struggle to learn hard lessons without being able to benefit from the ‘expensive’ experience of others who have already had these problems and solved them
  • Have nobody to call when you have a problem
  • Probably earn a lot less money (Jim’s Mowing Franchisees typically earn 30-40% more than independent mowing contractors)
  • Have more risk and a greater chance of failure (80% of Jim’s Mowing Franchisees have a thriving business within 12 months – that’s quite a contrast to the dreadful 4 year failure rate of 53.5% for businesses in Australia)

Quite frankly, as an independent mowing contractor, you will spend a lot more in higher costs and avoidable mistakes than Jim’s modest franchise fee. And when you consider the survival rate statistics in the lawn care industry, it’s just not worth it.

There’s no doubt – most of our Franchisees had some doubts in the beginning. But like David Robe, they’re glad they made the decision to find out more.

Whilst being hesitant at first about purchasing a franchise, it has been a more successful move than I ever thought might be possible.”

And John Frost…

One of the main reasons for deciding to join Jim’s was the whole system as a package from the training received to the ongoing support of my Franchisor and other Jim’s Franchisees. Working as an independent would not have given me the support and guidance that Jim’s has provided. The training received not only included the hands on aspect but also how to run a business successfully. Being part of the Jim’s Group gives you the peace of mind that support is only a phone call away. The lead allocation system allows me to take on additional work when l need to and where.

But as I said at the beginning of this message, a Jim’s Mowing Business is NOT for everyone. You should only order this Free Report if…

  • You are ready to take control of your work hours and restore flexibility to your lifestyle
  • You are prepared to work hard and earn as much money as you and your family want
  • You like the idea of working in the beautiful, Australian outdoors and making money with a business you consider to be more like a high-paid ‘hobby’ than a job
  • You love meeting and interacting with friendly customers who appreciate your hard work
  • You enjoy the satisfaction of a ‘job well done’
  • You feel ready to take responsibility for your future and excited about both the immediate and long-term income possibilities within the Jim’s Mowing Group

Please do NOT continue if you are dishonest or if you have unrealistic expectations of making a million dollars without some hard work. The Jim’s opportunity is definitely NOT a get-rich-quick type of deal. It’s a sensible, service-based business with a proven track record and exciting growth opportunities for the future.

However if you think this may be the opportunity you’ve been looking for – hoping for – call [sc:phone] and book a firsthand “100% full proof Field Day Experience”. We’ll get you a firsthand experience so you can make your own decision (no hearsay or opinions required). Afterward we will sit down to answer your questions and help you find out all you need. But, we don’t promise you anything. Remember, our selection criteria is tough. Jim’s Franchisees are very protective about our valuable brand and we only want sincere, enthusiastic people as part of our group. You might not be accepted.

But if you think you qualify, and you really would like to make an exciting change in your career – in your life -- book a firsthand “100% full proof Field Day Experience” right now Call [sc:phone1] while this is on your mind and you are motivated. The next step is only a request for a Day in the Field. It does not obligate you in any way.

I look forward to talking with you and perhaps welcoming you as a Jim’s Mowing Business Owner. And helping you and your family enjoy a happy, profitable career as part of the Jim’s family.


Shane Foran.

P.S. If there’s one comment I hear from successful Jim’s Franchisees it’s this…

I just wish I’d joined Jim’s years ago!”

So if you think you are at all interested, be sure to request a firsthand “100% full proof Field Day Experience” by calling [sc:phone2]. Remember, neither you nor Jim’s are obligated to go any further – this is simply an information request. But it just might be the thing that sets you on the path to a whole new life of adventure.

If you are feeling uncertain, don’t request this information today. Wait until you are feeling frustrated again with your current situation. Wait until your boss gets you down or the traffic gets the better of you. Wait until the next time you wish you could buy something for your family but can’t afford it. But be sure to put our fridge magnets up so that you can come back to it and book the firsthand.


Frequently Asked Questions


Why Jim's?
Obviously, this means different things to different people. We certainly have a great team with a lot of depth. Recently, our ability to help our franchisees deal with the changing OH&S certainly reflects this. But looking at it from a purely “nuts and bolts” analytical position, Jim's has two major strategic advantages, namely the cheaper cost of customer acquisition and size, and a focus on putting franchisee support above all other priorities.
  Jim's has the cheapest cost of customer acquisition, which means that it cost us less to get our message through, and customers through the door. The Jim's brand, reputation and its awareness in the marketplace, means that many people call Jim's each year just based on awareness and reputation. This is a large strategic advantage as we do not have to pay large advertising costs to get that lead. By joining Jim's, you get to take advantage of the 25 years of marketing and branding that we have engaged in.
  The other and most important success determinant resource is you. The Jim’s system invests time and resources both at the State and National level. You receive a monthly contact call, where we gauge how you are going and what assistance we can provide you. We also have monthly group meetings and workshops, along with information and coaching newsletters. The goals of all these activities is to help you build the best business that you can. It is one thing to work hard, but true results come from direction on what to work on and when. Operating under correct knowledge.


Why pay fees?
Fees are an extremely important part of any franchise system, as they provide the critical infrastructure for you to succeed. Your fees pay for things like state advertising, the call centre, IT infrastructure, National and State offices etc. And with Jim's ethos of "putting franchisees first," this translates into a strong support and knowledge base, which provides you with the resources and capabilities to run a professional and effective business. Having said that, we are mindful that fees should always equal excellent value for money, otherwise what's the point of being in a franchise system?


How much does a Jim’s business really cost?.
There is no question that there are cheaper mowing businesses out there. But what is the real $ difference i.e. how much more is it going to cost me to have a Jim’s Mowing branded business?
Let's say that you purchase a business for 25K, with clients, rather than a business worth 10K (i.e Jims costs 15K more). If you borrowed this extra amount at 7% per annum, it would cost you an extra $22 per week (to have that Jimbo business). Now, have a look at the quality of the business you can buy for 10k.
Of course, this assumes that you sell your business at what you bought it at (25K). We would hope that our knowledge and support, and your effort, skill and knowledge etc. will continue to improve your business and you sell it for more (or do mini splits).


How long before I can get back the money I invested?. What are splits?
This is what that many of us look at when getting into business. One way to do this, is to look at the revenue and allocate a week amount out of it. The other way is to look at a Split. A split represents excellent value for both buyer and seller. They allow you to split your business into two, and sell one of those halves. The amazing thing about this process, is that it allows you to turn the potential disadvantage “growth ceiling,” (being an owner operator means that you only have 40 hours in a week), into a fantastic opportunity for you to get back your original investment, or more through multiple splits. I believe the record in Jim’s mowing South Australia is 8. In fact, by working splits into your growth strategy, you could literally keep growing for ever.


Maybe I Could Do It By Myself….As An Independent
You’re not alone. Many people who consider a Jim’s Mowing Franchise also ‘toy’ with the idea of starting up as an independent mowing contractor so they can save on franchise fees. But when they read the report, ‘How To Make A Six Figure Income As A Jim’s Mowing Franchise Owner’, they soon discover as an independent, you…

  • Have to pay top dollar for all your equipment without the buying power of the Jim’s Group (probably worth tens of thousands of dollars in the set up stage alone).
  • Bear the cost and frustration of having to work out all the systems alone – including difficult things like legal and OH&S requirements that could end up costing everything if you get it wrong.
  • Have to operate without any brand identity and spend years building trust in the marketplace.
  • Have limited earning potential without the expansion opportunities of the Jim’s Business Group
  • Scrounge for customers from day one without the support of Jim’s Marketing Systems supplying ready-to-buy leads every week.
  • Rely on your own resources with no ‘Pay for Work Guarantee’ to see you through your start-up period.
  • Risk everything as you struggle to learn hard lessons without being able to benefit from the ‘expensive’ experience of others who have already had these problems and solved them.
  • Have nobody to call when you have a problem.
  • Probably earn a lot less money (Jim’s Mowing Franchisees typically earn 20-40% more than independent mowing contractors).

· Have more risk and a greater chance of failure (88% of Jim’s Mowing Franchisees have a thriving business within 12 months – that’s quite a contrast to the dreadful failure rate of only 29% survival for typical lawn care businesses in Australia).

Got More Questions?

Blokes Just Like You


    Previous Job: Service Station Attendant

    I was working around 50 hours a week and earning 50K a year. In Jim’s I work around 30¬38 hours a week and would earn around 150K a year. ..we plan to pay off our mortgage and make a big dent in the 2 rentals properties we have been able to buy (even buy another).


    Previous Job: Registered General Nurse

    Lifestyle, lifestyle, lifestyle. No weekends, no shift work, no stress, fewer deadlines…. and no politics. And my wife can do what she wants to do and concentrate on being a mother and raising our two boys, keeping our home and supporting me and the business.


    Previous Job: Dealer, Adelaide Casino

    I actually find it more fun than challenging. When I try something and it works, I know I've made everything that bit easier and/or more $$. I've also split my round 5 times in 5 years for a total of $90k extra income. I never miss a rock concert or birthday party, and there's never a moment at work when I wish I was at home.


    Previous Job: Retail - Storeman and a Salesman

    Since I bought my Mowing round, I have lost count of the number of times I have been told by family and friends how happy and relaxed I look. I knew I wasn't happy where my work life was heading beforehand, but I never realised how visible it was also to everyone else. The support we got from Gerry, Shane & Rets our Franchisors was vitally important to a smooth transition and has been on-going, only a phone call away or by email. We were impressed from the very first initial meeting.


    Previously Job: Security Officer at Olympic Dam

    The professionalism of the Jim's Group very much impressed us. People trust and respect the Jim's name, and that has helped us to grow our business very quickly. The help and support has been terrific!

  • Tristan (Hackam)

    Well after 2 months i grew from 80 to 105 odd clients, I did my first split after 8 months, I have landed a 1mth trial with a retirement home that I was doing some lawns for as the caretaker of all gardens which will let my wife leave her job.


    Previous Job: International Tour Guide

    Being my own boss is fantastic, I have more time with my family and set up my hours around our needs. The franchisors are only a phone call away, if I ever have any questions or need anything. I now make double the money in half the hours which means more time with my family.


    Previous Job: social worker

    Jim's offers me contact with everyday people and I can be of help and assistance to them, in a way, not dissimilar to my former job. I have some clients that I can choose to do those extra little things for, like my elderly clients, which makes me, and them feel good.

Got A Question?

    Contact Us
